Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Live to Dream: Last Night and Today

Live to Dream

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Last Night and Today

Well, last night was pretty fun, I went to my friend Sara's Birthday party. It was kind of slow at first, but aren't all parties? Then some more of my school friends like Ashley and Stephen showed up and I was able to actually talk to people. There were some fun conversations with people, and some not so great. Stephen and I got into A conversation about "Simon" that was great....It made me feel even more depressed about him than before, I don't know what it is about this guy, I just hope that it doesn't last that much longer because he has caused me a lot of trouble. Funny thing is, he has no idea that HE caused it...Oh well. Anyway, yeah after I left the party with Ashley and Stephen, we saw this huge ugly spider!! It was like right in front of me I was freaking out! Anyway....I woke up around 12 or 12:30ish today, cleaned the kitchen, and got on here. Some kids that my mom babysat a long time ago are over, they are sooo cute and sweet, and growing up way too fast! Exciting huh? Well I guess I won't bore anyone with anything else, so I will write another one soon <33 Fawn


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